W.G Lason
About W.G Lason
Born and raised in Texas, W.G Lason is a writer and small business owner. He graduated with his B.S in psychology, a minor in criminology and a minor in biology at the age of 19 from the University of Texas at Arlington. While at UTA he led a men's ministry whose goal was to help sharpen young men into strong and capable leaders. It was during this pursuit that he realized he wanted to create a platform geared towards the revitalization of masculinity.
Outside of this pursuit, W.G Lason is a cigar and whiskey aficionado, a published poet, an outdoorsman, and a certified EMT. During his free time, Lason enjoys mixing drinks, hunting, survival camping and repairing watches.
Why W.G Lason?
A Message from the Author
I have made many mistakes in my youth. Steeped in the dying culture of our time, I spent a long time chasing vices and wasting time. I was lost because I was fed the lies of our post-consequence, post-modern civilization. The lack of concrete values and the ideals of modernity has left many young men without identity, without drive, and without purpose. Our current culture has robbed young men of the hope, role models, leaders, and values that are required to create strong men. Young men today do not know what it means to be a man, and our dying culture cheers as men fail to live up to their potential. The culture of our time does not believe that men exist and yet still hates men for all injustice in the world. As a result, young men today think masculinity is as simple as being loud and wealthy. It is a cruelty, bought through modernity, that boys do not know their worth, instead living a life valueless, aimless and mediocre. For boys to be men, they must be taught not only to have the physical strength of a man, but to accept and honor the duties and responsibilities that come with that title. It is a shame that boys grow up and still remain boys.
From my mistakes I have learned what it takes to be a man. Though I am not the strongest, smartest or most skilled, I am blessed to have been gifted brothers, friends and mentors who have taught me what I have long lacked. It is my hope and my passion to gift the wisdom given to me by my forebearers and help others learn easily what I had learned through pain.
- W.G Lason